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The EC-47 Memorial Plaza 8x8 Paver w/inscriptions/

This graphic display of the "as-built" plaza 8x8 paver layout and location numbering system was developed in late September 2020. There is a net gain of 10 pavers. All original orders have been transferred to this more accurate representation of the actual plaza...without location number changes. 

These photos of actual engraved bronze plates were taken in an outside "studio" using the same paver with your engraved bronze plate temporarily inserted. The tint of your paver in the plaza may differ from the photo color. If your paver is not in this batch, hopefully, it will be in the next upload. The next shipment is expected soon and photos will be uploaded as soon as possible after they are received.

Pavers are displayed in numerical order identical to the plaza 8x8 paver layout diagram above. Click on the "3-dot" feature in the upper right corner of your browser screen and use Find to locate pavers by name or location number shown in the captions. For the best results, be sure the show All tab on the bottom of this thumbnail gallery is selected before starting your search.      

These photos provided by Carl "Brad" Bradley, Faith in a Flash Photography, San Angelo, Texas. 

The photographer and website manager grant permission to download and use these images for personal use only. Users may not edit or change digital files with filters or any software without written permission from the photographer and website manager. This permission applies worldwide.  The photographer retains the copyright to all images. Please credit Faith in a Flash Photography and The EC-47 History Site CPP when downloading or referencing these images for your personal use. 

  • Henry Schmidt - Artist's Rendering - 16-12-2019
    Architect Rendering
    Henry Schmidt, San Angelo, TX
    (Although Henry did not design the plaza layout, he is friends with the architect who did, Kevin Bruce.)
  • Pavers by color - Tom #2
    The best "true colors" of the installed pavers...Willamette (8x8 & 4x8) and Western Red (8x8). Engraved plates were photographed in a studio...not the EC-47 Memorial Plaza.
  • 001 - SSgt Joe Martin
    8x8 paver location #001
    SSgt Joe Martin
  • 002 - Alan R Parry
    8x8 paver location #002
    Alan R. Parry
  • 003 - Henry X Mioduski
    8x8 paver location #003
    Henry X. Mioduski
  • 004 - Charles W Phippin
    8x8 paver location #004
    Charles W. Phippin
  • 005 - SSgt James Trozzo
    8x8 paver location #005
    SSgt James Trozzo
  • 006 - To Our EC-47 Crews
    8x8 paver location #006
    To Our EC-47 Crews
  • 007 - Kelly R Zadakaus
    8x8 paver location #007
    Kelly R. Zadakaus
  • 008 - Pat Potter
    8x8 paver location #008
    Pat Potter
  • 009 - Michael W Murray
    8x8 paver location #009
    Michael W. Murray
  • 010 - James Coffman
    8x8 paver location #010
    James Coffman
  • 011 - J.C. Wheeler
    8x8 paver location #011
    J.C. Wheeler
  • 012 - Col Steve Mrak
    8x8 paver location #012
    Col Steve V Mrak
  • 013 - James B. Hart
    8x8 paver location #013
    James B. Hart
  • 014 - E. M. Mike Junes
    8x8 paver location #014
    E.M. (Mike) Junes
  • 015 - Robt. Bob Thomas
    8x8 paver location #015
    Robert (Bob) Thomas
  • 016 - Joseph Giammichele
    8x8 paver location #016
    Joseph Giammichele
  • 017 - Richard Krejsa
    8x8 paver location #017
    Richard Krejsa
  • 018 - Tommy Pedersen
    8x8 paver location #018
    Tommy Pedersen
  • 019 - Darrell M McCurdy
    8x8 paver location #019
    Darrell M. McCurdy
  • 020 - Ronald S. Curtis
    8x8 paver location #020
    Ronald S. Curtis
  • 021 - William S Nibblett
    8x8 paver location #021
    William S. Nibblett
  • 022 - G. Brent Phippin
    8x8 paver location #022
    G. Brent Phippin
  • 023 - Melvin T Phippin
    8x8 paver location #023
    Melvin T. Phippin
  • 024 - Melvin Phippin Jr.
    8x8 paver location #024
    Melvin Phippin Jr.
  • 025 - Danny E russell
    8x8 paver location #025
    Danny E. Russell
  • 026 - Bobby D Billups
    8x8 paver location #026
    Bobby D. Billups
  • 027 TSgt Bob Hull
    8x8 paver location #027
    TSgt Bob Hull
  • 028 - Curt Yahnke
    8x8 paver location #028
    Curt Yahnke
  • 029 - R G 'Jerry' Baker
    8x8 Paver #029
    R G 'Jerry' Baker
  • 030 - Arvel 'Beep' Brude
    8x8 paver location #030
    Arvel 'Beep' Bruce
  • 031 - Lt Col John F Beran
    8x8 Paver location #031
    Lt Col John F Beran
  • 032 - Able Flt Warriors
    8x8 paver location #032
    Able Flight Warriors
  • 033 KIHORANY
    8X8 paver location #033
    Scott W Kihorany
  • 034 BURKE
    8x8 paver location #034
    Walter F. Burke
  • 035 MORRISON
    8x8 paver location #035
    Russ Morrison
  • 036 VLCEK
    8x8 paver location #036
    Henry A. Vlcek
  • #037 Hardiman
    8x8 Paver location #037
    Farrell K. Hardiman
  • 037 TROUT
    8x8 paver location #037
    Lt Col Chuck Trout
  • 038 - Dennis H Adolph
    8x8 paver location #038
    Dennis H. Adolph
  • #039 Tust
    8x8 Location #039
    John C. Tust
  • 040 - Bobinger, David
    8x8 Paver location #040
    Bobinger, David
  • #041 Francona
    8x8 Paver location #041
    Francona, Rick
  • 042 - Greene, Jesse
    8x8 Paver location #042
    Greene, Jesse
  • 043 - Deshaies, Paul
    8x8 Paver location #043
    Deshaies, Paul
  • 044 - Crump, Darlene
    8x8 Paver location #044
    Crump, Darlene
  • 045 - Crump, John C
    8x8 Paver location #045
    Crump, John C.
  • #046 Bendinelli
    8x8 Location #046
    Ed Bendinelli
  • #047 Terrell
    8x8 Location #047
    Jimmy Terrell
  • 8x8 #048 Paver Taylor, Norm
    8x8 Paver Location #048
    Norm Taylor
  • #049 Garza Sr.
    8x8 Location #049
    Tomas Garza Sr.
  • 050 - Garza, Edward
    8x8 Paver location #050
    Garza, Edward
  • #051 Garza Jr
    8x8 Location #051
    Tomas Garza Jr.
  • #052 Garza
    8x8 Location #052
    David Garza
    8x8 Paver location #053
    Mayor Brenda Gunter
  • #054 Burmeister
    8x8 Paver location #054
    David J. Burmeister
  • #055 LOOMIS, DAN
    8x8 Paver Location #055
    Dan J. Loomis
  • #058 Rogers, Charles III
    8x8 Paver location #058
    Charles 'Tracy' Rogers III
  • 061 - Flores, Daniel
    8x8 Paver location #061
    Flores, Daniel
  • 067 JOHNSTON
    8x8 paver location #067
    Sidney E. Johnston
  • #068 Gunter, Lucian III.
    8x8 Paver location #068
    Lucian A Gunter III
  • #070 O'NEIL
    Paver location #070
    Mark W. O'Neil
  • #071 Spencer
    8x8 Paver location #071
    CSM Jimmie Spencer
  • #072 McBride
    8x8 Paver location #072
    J.M. Mike McBride
  • #073 Van Camp, David
    8x8 Paver location #073
    Van Camp, David E.
  • #075 Graham, JJ
    8x8 Paver location #075
    Graham, JJ
  • #076 Rogers, King
    8x8 Paver Location #076
    Edward King Rogers
  • 077 - Joe Aquino
    8x8 paver location #077
    Joe Aquino
  • #078 Bishop, Charlie 8x8
    8x8 Paver location #078
    BGen Charles L. Bishop
  • #079 Fairley
    8x8 Location #079
    C.L. Fairley
  • #080 Steele, Neil F.
    8x8 Paver location #080
    Neil F. Steele
  • #081 Howell
    8x8 Paver location #081
    Mark C. Howell
  • 082 - Bill Frizzell
    8x8 Paver location #082
    Bill Frizzell
  • #083 8x8 Frizzell, Sharon Web
    8x8 Paver location #083
    Sharon Frizzell
  • #084 Bruce
    8x8 Paver Location #084
    Kevin W. Bruce
  • 8x8 #085 Paver Noret
    8x8 Paver Location #085
    Michael Noret
  • 086 Kirkpatrick Web
    8x8 Paver location #086
    Kirk Kirkpatrick
  • #087 8x8 Doolittle, William Web
    8x8 Paver location #087
    William (Bill) Doolittle
  • #088 Doolittle, Jane Web
    8x8 Paver location #088
    Jane Doolittle
  • #089 8x8 Martin, Paul
    Paver location #089
    Paul H. Martin
  • #090 8x8 Dotson
    Paver location #090
    James Dotson
  • #091 Worth
    8x8 paver location #091
    Darrell J. Worth
  • #092 8x8 Collins
    Paver location #092
    Bill Collins
  • #093 Wood
    8x8 Paver location #093
    Wood, Carl
  • #094 Bingham
    Location #094
    Billy Bingham
  • #095 Ribellia
    8x8 Paver location #095
    Ribellia, Ron
  • 096 - Maj Ken Wissinger
    8x8 paver location #096
    Maj Ken Wissinger
  • #097 Short
    Location #097
    Ernie Short
  • #098 Batson
    8x8 Paver location #098
    Batson, Robert 'Bob'
  • #099 Sherwood
    8x8 Paver location #099
    Sherwood, Robert
  • 100 WARD
    8x8 paver location #100
    Sgt Dallas Ward
  • 101 - McGuire, Buddy
    8x8 Paver location #101
    McGuire, Buddy
  • 102 - SMSgt Jose Silva
    8x8 Paver location #102
    SMSgt Jose Silva
  • 103 NEELY
    8x8 paver location #103
    Charley V. Neely
  • 104 BABYLIFT
    8x8 paver location #104
    Operation Babylift
  • 105 - Larry Miller
    8x8 paver location #105
    Larry Miller
  • 106 Papa Val O'Brien
    8x8 paver location #106
    "Papa Val" O'Brien
  • #107 Levitow
    8x8 Paver location #107
    Levitow, John
  • #108 Latimer
    8x8 Paver location #108
    Latimer, James
  • 109 - Richard Bingham
    8x8 paver location #109
    Richard Bingham
  • 110 - Clark Gerhardt
    8x8 paver location #110
    Clark Gerhardt
  • 111 - Gray, Robert
    8x8 Paver location #111
    Gray, Robert
  • 112 SMITH
    8x8 paver location #112
    Sgt Gregory Smith
  • 113 - Brian D Cornett
    8x8 paver location #113
    Brian D. Cornett
  • 114 - Stephen Michael
    8x8 paver location #114
    Stephen Michael
  • 115 BAINTER
    8x8 paver location #115
    1SG R. E. Bainter
  • 116 KINLAW
    8x8 paver location #116
    MSgt Jeff Kinlaw
  • 117 - CAP 72
    8x8 paver location #117
    CAP 72 45-1133
  • 118 - CMSgt Bill White
    8x8 paver location #118
    CMSgt Bill White
  • 119 - Michael J Lukowiak
    8x8 paver location #119
    Michael J Lukowiak
  • 120 - Sgt Paul Amato
    8x8 paver location #120
    Sgt Paul Amato
  • 121 - Joe E Hogg
    8x8 paver location #121
    Joe E. Hogg
  • 122 - John R Ehrlich
    8x8 paver location #122
    John R. Ehrlich
  • 123 - J.V.O. Weaver
    8x8 paver location #123
    J.V.O. Weaver
  • 125 - Tincher, Zimmerman, Wooten
    8x8 paver location #125
    Sgt L. Tincher, Sgt L. Zimmerman, Sgt W. Wooten
  • 126 - Paul Grisham
    8x8 paver location #126
    Paul Grisham
  • 127 - Stephen Brady
    8x8 paver location #127
    Stephen Brady
  • #145 Hawkins, Charles
    8x8 Paver location #145
    Charles Hawkins
  • #146 Hawkins, Maceo Sr.
    8x8 Paver location #146
    Maceo Hawkins, Sr.
  • #147 Hawkins, Ronnie Sr.
    8x8 Paver location #147
    Ronnie Hawkins, Sr.
  • #148 Hawkins, Charles J
    8x8 Paver location #148
    Charles J. Hawkins
  • #149 Hawkins, Pleaz Sr.
    8x8 Paver location #149
    Pleaz Hawkins, Jr.
  • #150 Hawkins, Horace
    8x8 Paver location #150
    Horace Hawkins
  • #151 Hawkins, Donald L.
    8x8 Paver location #151
    Donald L. Hawkins
  • #152 Hawkins, Pleaz Jr.
    8x8 Paver location #152
    Pleaz Hawkins, Jr.
  • #153 Hawkins, Ronnie Jr.
    8x8 Paver location #153
    Ronnie Hawkins, Jr.
  • #154 Hawkins, Donald D.
    8x8 Paver location #154
    Donald D. Hawkins
  • #155 Hawkins, Arthur
    8x8 Paver location #155
    Arthur D. Hawkins
  • #156 Hawkins, Ronnie III
    8x8 Paver location #156
    Ronnie Hawkins, III
  • #157 Hawkins, Pleaz III
    8x8 Paver location #157
    Pleaz Hawkins, Jr.
  • #158 Hawkins, Joshua
    8x8 Paver location #158
    Joshua Hawkins
  • #159 6924th Heritage Assn
    8x8 Paver Location #159
    6924th Heritage Association
  • #160 In Memory Of A1C Anthony #2
    8x8 Paver location #160
    In Memory Of A1C Anthony
  • #161 Aiello, Thomas R.
    8x8 Paver location #161
    Thomas R. Aiello
  • #162 Brown, Charles
    8x8 Paver location #162
    Charles Brown
  • #163 Childs, Buddy
    8x8 Paver location #163
    Buddy Childs
  • #164 Gilkerson, Michael
    8x8 Paver location #164
    Michael Gilkerson
  • #165 Heriford, Gary
    8x8 Paver location #165
    Gary Heriford
  • #166 LaChappell, Don
    8x8 Paver location #166
    Don LaChappell
  • #167 Lowder, Brian
    8x8 Paver location #167
    Brian Lowder
  • #168 Murrow, Joh
    8x8 Paver location #168
    Jon Murrow
  • #169 Talbott, Paul T.
    8x8 Paver location #169
    Paul Talbott
  • #170 Villafranca, Ruben
    8x8 Paver location #170
    Ruben Villafranca
  • #171 SEPELAK, FRED P.
    8x8 Paver location #171
    Sepelak, Fred P.
  • #172 JONES, RALPH J.
    8x8 Paver location #172
    Jones, Ralph J.
  • #173 Johnson - Onohan
    8x8 Paver Location #173
    TSgt Johnson A2C Onohan
  • #174 In Honor of all that Served
    8x8 Paver Location #174
    In Honor Of All That Served 6924th SS
  • #187 Martinez, Jr.
    8x8 Paver location #187
    Luis Martinez, Jr.
  • #188 Martinez
    8x8 Paver location #188
    Luis Martinez, III
  • 189 - CMSgt Jim Willis
    8x8 paver location #189
    CMSgt Jim Willis
  • 192 BROWN
    8x8 paver location #192
    Charles E. Brown
  • 201 - Bill Beecher
    8x8 paver location #201
    Bill Beecher
  • 202 - George W Hollis
    8x8 Paver location #202
    George W Hollis
  • 203 SHEPHERD
    8x8 paver location #203
    Joe Shepherd
  • 8x8 #205 Paver Intorn
    8x8 Paver Location #205
    Lee Intorm
  • #206 8x8 Farnsley
    Paver location #206
    Glenn Farnsley
  • #207 White, Jimmy
    8x8 Location #207
    Jimmy White
  • #208 Buxton
    Location #208
    Ian Buxton
  • 210 FORD
    8x8 paver location #210
    Bob Ford
  • 213 - L.C. Cooley
    8x8 paver location #213
    L.C. Cooley
  • 216 - Tom JR Barnes
    8x8 paver location #216
    Tom "JR" Barnes
  • 217 - Favre, Ray
    8x8 Paver location #217
    Favre, Ray
  • 219 - B.J. Witt
    8x8 paver location #219
    B.J. Witt
  • 220 OLIVER
    8x8 paver location #220
    Robert Oliver
  • 221 - Dick Debosh
    8x8 paver location #221
    Dick Debosh
  • 222 - J J Pitzeruse
    8x8 paver #222
    J.J. Pitzeruse
  • 223 PERKINS
    8x8 paver location #223
    Milton Perkins
  • 224 - Walter A Ritter
    8x8 paver location #224
    Walter A Ritter
  • 225 IVEY
    8x8 paver location #225
    Ray B Ivey Jr.
  • 226 - Marc J Kirner
    8x8 paver location #226
    Marc J. Kirner
  • 227 - Robert Wilhelm
    8x8 paver location #227
    Robert Wilhelm
  • 228 - Capt Bob Garlits
    8x8 paver location #228
    Capt Bob Garlits
  • 229 - Richard H Yeh
    8x8 paver location #229
    Richard H. Yeh
  • 230 - William E Flinchum
    8x8 paver location #230
    William E. Flinchum
  • 231 - Grover GG Gore
    8x8 paver location #231
    Grover "GG" Gore
  • 232 - David M Abel
    8x8 paver location #232
    David M. Abel
  • #233 Pace
    Location #233
    Bob Pace
  • #234 Choate
    8x8 Paver location #234
    John Edward Choate
  • #235 Steddum
    8x8 Paver Location #235
    Cliff Steddum
  • #236 Shaw, Tom
    8x8 Paver Location #236
    Tom Shaw
  • 237 - Brady, Paul
    8x8 Paver location #237
    Brady, Paul
  • #244 Minihan
    8x8 Paver location #244
    Kenneth A. Minihan
  • #247 8x8 Decker
    Paver location #247
    Tim Decker
  • 8x8 #248 Paver DeLaura
    8x8 Paver Location #248
    Lewis DeLaura
  • 8x8 #249 Paver First Term Airmen
    8x8 Paver Location #249
    First Term Airmen
  • #250 8x8 Clapper
    Paver location #250
    James R. Clapper, Jr
  • 8x8 #251 Paver Halfmann
    8x8 Paver Location #251
    Gene Halfmann
  • #252 8x8 Schaule
    Paver location #252
    Bill Schaule
    8x8 paver location #253
    William Hollenbeck
  • 254 ZUPANCIC
    8x8 paver location #254
    James Zupancic
  • #255 Townsend
    Location #255
    John Townsend
  • 256 - James D Jelley
    8x8 Paver location #256
    James D. Jelley - "Phyllis Ann"
  • 257 - LeGrand, Robert
    8x8 Paver location #257
    LeGrand, Robert
    8x8 paver location #258
    David Domyancic
  • 259 - Col Ricky Mills
    8x8 paver location #259
    Col Ricky Mills
  • 260 - CMSgt Larry Mills
    8x8 paver location #260
    CMSgt Larry Mills
  • 261 CLEMENT
    8x8 paver location #261
    Lt Jim Clement
  • 262 - G. B. Montague
    8x8 paver location #262
    G.B. Montague
  • 263 - Casey, Lew & Terry
    8x8 paver location #263
    Lew & Terry Casey
  • 264 - Thomas J Echols
    8x8 paver location #264
    Thomas J. Echols
  • 265 - Larry T Ross
    8x8 paver location #265
    Larry T. Ross
  • 266 - DeZotell & Cotton
    8x8 paver location #266
    Ken DeZotell
  • 267 - SSgt Ronald McKee
    8x8 paver location #267
    SSgt Ronald McKee
  • 268 - Wayne A Bascom Jr
    Western Red location #268
    Wayne A. Bascom, Jr.
  • 269 - D H Ritter
    Western Red location #269
    D.H. Ritter, SMSgt
  • #272 Marker WR
    Location #272
    Michael Marker
  • #274 Algaard WR
    Location #274
    Harold Algaard
  • 275 WR Hentz Web
    8x8 Paver location #275
    Ron Hentz
  • #276 8x8 Hentz Update
    Paver location #276
    Richard J. Hentz
    8x8 Paver location #277
    Richard A. Crim
  • #278 Osborne WR
    Location #278
    Rodney Osborne
  • #279 Patridge WR
    Location #279
    Danny Patridge
  • #280 Strawn WR
    Location #280
    John Strawn
  • #281 Wild, William WR
    8x8 Paver location #281
    William John Wild
  • #284 Tran Quang Tuyen WR
    8x8 Paver location #284
    Tran Quang Tuyen
  • #285 Tran Ngoc Ho WR
    8x8 Paver location #285
    Tran Ngoc Ho
  • #288 Ngo Dinh Thuc WR
    8x8 Paver location #288
    Ngo Dinh Thuc
  • #289 Nguyen WR
    8x8 Paver location #289
    Nguyen Van Nguyen
  • #290 Troung Tu An WR
    8x8 Paver location #290
    Troung Tu An
  • #296 Flatt
    8x8 Paver @296
    Ronnie Flatt
  • #300 Dawidowicz, Daniel WR
    8x8 Paver location #300
    Daniel Davidowicz
  • 302 - Alfred Bratton
    Western Red location #302
    Alfred Bratton, PFC
  • 303 - Jerry Bratton
    Western Red location #303
    Jerry Bratton, LCpl
  • 304 - Jim Bratton
    Western Red location #304
    Jim Bratton, SSgt
  • 305 - Craig G Lewis
    Western Red location #305
    Craig G. Lewis
  • #306 Leftwich, Ray J. WR
    8x8 Paver Location #306
    Ray J. Leftwich
  • #307 Leftwich, Kitty w ALSA WR
    8x8 Paver Location #307
    Kitty M. Leftwich
  • #309 8x8 Samppala
    Paver location #309
    Dave Samppala
  • #329 Thompson
    8x8 Paver location #308
    Thompson, Michael
  • 311 - Jimmy D Turk
    Western Red location #311
    Jimmy D. Turk
  • #312 Parker
    8x8 Paver Location #312
    Paul S. Parker
  • #313 Schmuelgen
    8x8 Paver location #313
    Hank Schmuelgen
  • #314 Kirking
    8x8 Location #314
    Chuck Kirking
  • 316 - John T Shultz
    8x8 paver location #316
    John T Shultz
  • 317 ROLL CALL
    Paver location #317
    Roll Call
  • #318 Parker, Stan WR
    8x8 Paver location #318
    Stan Parker
  • 319 - L. Joseph Gibson
    Western Red location #319
    L. Joseph Gibson
  • #323 24N-72 WR
    8x8 Paver location #323
  • #324 Bruha WR
    8x8 Location #324
    Harlan Bruha
  • 327 BRUNE
    8x8 paver location #327
    George Brune
  • #329 Samad WR
    8x8 Location #329
    Harriet Samad
  • #330 Martin WR
    8x8 Location #330
    David Martin
  • #331 Beach, Susan WR
    8x8 Paver Location #331
    Susan Beach
  • #332 Beach, Ty WR
    8x8 Paver location #332
    Ty Beach
  • 335 SAMAD
    8x8 paver location #335
    MSgt Gary Samad Jr.
  • #336 Jensen WR
    8x8 Location #336
    Robert Jensen
  • #337 - Brown, Bill
    8x8 Paver location #337
    Bill Brown
  • 341 - SSgt Earnest J Ray
    Western Red location #341
    SSgt Earnest J. Ray
  • 342 - Sgt Wm. J Boston
    Western Red location #342
    Sgt Wm. J. Boston
  • 343 - F.D. Butch Maybury
    Western Red location #343
    F.D. "Butch" Maybury
  • 344 - Richard Cochran
    Western Red location #344
    Richard Cochran
  • 347 - F. H. Ziemer
    Western Red location #347
    F.H. Ziemer
  • #349 Hickson, Lyall WR
    8x8 Paver Location #349
    Lyall L Hickson
  • #350 Julien, Dale WR
    8x8 Paver location #350
    Dale R. Julien
  • #351 Ragg, Craig WR
    8x8 Paver location #351
    Craig H. Ragg
  • #352 Enterline, Jeff WR
    8x8 Paver location #352
    Jeff Enterline
  • 362 HICKMAN
    8x8 paver location #362
    Charles T Hickman
  • #369 Lane WR
    8x8 Location #369
    Tony Lane
  • 378 PURKISS
    8x8 paver location #378
    Charles T. Purkiss
  • 382 WEBB
    8x8 paver location #382
    Michael Webb
  • 386 - Ken Versele
    8x8 paver location #386
    Ken Versele
  • 390 - Bill Ash
    Western Red location #390
    Bill Ash
  • 393 - Alvis Bagwell
    Western Red location #393
    Alvis Bagwell
  • 394 - Trip Lapham
    Western Red location #394
    Trip Lapham
  • #395 Lapham, Ranet Billie
    8x8 Paver location #395
    Ranet Billie Lapham
  • 397 - Delbert Jim Neddo
    Western Red location #397
    Delbert Jim Neddo
  • 398 - Kenneth T Townsend
    Western Red location #398
    Kenneth T. Townsend
  • 399 - Georgia F Townsend
    Western Red location #399
    Georgia F. Townsend
  • 400 - James S Horton
    Western Red location #400
    James S. Horton
  • 401 - R. G. Gene Smith
    Western Red location #401
    R.G. (Gene) Smith
  • 402 - Moore, Michael
    8x8 Paver location #402
    Moore, Michael
  • 404 GIANNI
    8x8 paver location #404
    Russell G. Gianni
  • #405 Tang Khanh Luu WR
    8x8 Paver location #405
    Tang Khanh Luu
  • 406 MOBRY
    8x8 paver location #406
    MSgt Steve Mobry
  • 407 VAUGHN
    8x8 paver location #407
    John W. Vaughn
  • 408 DAVIES
    8x8 paver location #408
    Thomas J Davies Jr.
  • 409 SHEA
    8x8 paver location #409
    Major Edmund Shea
  • #410 King
    8x8 Location #410
    Melba King
  • 411 - Nahrgang
    8x8 Paver location #411
    Nahrgang, Scott